Friday, April 28, 2017

The Last Jedi

Hey everyone! On this podcast we discuss our thoughts on The Last Jedi preview. We also dive into shows that were completed that you might not have watched. Were they good, were they bad? We talk all about our thoughts on shows like True Blood, Sons of Anarchy, Lost, Dexter, and so many more. Our beer this week is from Sam Adams, if you haven't had them give em a try!  Don't forget to like and subscribe on YouTube! Podcast 26

Games We Play

Hey everyone! On this episode we discuss the video games we play and the kind of hardware we use to play those games. We also discuss future games we are looking forward to as well as classics that we miss. Don't forget to follow us on Youtube! Cheers!Podcast 25

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Is Hollywood Getting Lazy?

HEY EVERYONE! Join us as we discuss our thoughts on Hollywood and why we think  they are getting a little lazy? Do you think we have too many remakes right now? Then you're going to want to listen to this podcast. As usual, like and subscribe on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Google Play. Cheers!Podcast 24

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Walking Dead Season 7 Wrap Up

Wow! What a finale! I don't know about you guys but I got what I wanted out of that season 7 finale. On this podcast we discuss the season 7 finale of the Walking Dead. Who survived, who died, and who might die next season, either way, listen and find our thoughts! Podcast 23

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Legion and Beauty and the Beast

Hey everyone! On this podcast Daniel and I discuss Legion and Beauty and the Beast. We dive into what we think about both. Also, is cereal a soup? Don't forget to follow us on youtube! Podcast 22

Iron Fist

Hey everyone! on this podcast Daniel and I discuss Iron Fist! We dive into our thoughts on this new Marvel show and how it matches up to the other Marvel shows. We also discuss what we are looking forward to with the Defenders! Cheers everyone! Podcast 21