Saturday, December 31, 2016

Watch Out Coral and Find the Damn Maze Dolores

Hey everyone! On this podcast we talk about Coral invading Negan's camp and the finale of Westworld. Join us next week as we discuss Rogue One, Passengers, That big twist on Vikings, new Doctor Who, and much much more!Podcast 11

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pokemon Podcast

Hey everyone! Join Daniel and I as we discuss our thoughts on the new Pokemon game as well talking about the second to last Westworld Episode and Walking Dead. Stay tuned for the next podcast as we discuss the HUGE finale of Westworld, our thoughts on Vikings, and more Walking dead. Cheers! Podcast 10

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Podcast 8

Hey Everyone! Join us as we talk about Walking Dead, Westworld and the future of the Xmen Franchise. This podcast is a little late so there is some spoiler free talk about Doctor Strange. The microphone was a little off on this one so please forgive us! Join us on the next podcast as we talk about Pokemon! Podcast 8

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Doctor Strange

Hey everyone! This Daniel and I discuss our thoughts on Doctor Strange. We dive into the characters, actors, special effects, and much much more. Stay tuned at the end for our review of Pokemon Moon and Sun! Hope everyone had an excellent Thanksgiving.#FeelStrange  Podcast 8

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Hey everyone! Sorry it's a little late but here is our Halloween podcast. Join us as we talk about our favorite fun Halloween movies, as well as our favorite horror movies. Halloween Podcast!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Podcast 6

Hey Everyone, join Daniel and I as well delve into spoilers about the Season 7 premiere of The Walking Dead. It was a rough episode, but we're here to discuss it! This episode is full spoilers so if you haven't watched it yet, maybe come back after you have! Podcast 6

Podcast 5

Hey everyone! Join Daniel and I as we jump into the wild west and talk about West World episodes 1 and 2. Caution as this podcast does contain spoilers, so if you have not watched the episodes yet, watch them and come back! Podcast 5

Monday, October 10, 2016

Podcast 4

Hey everyone! Join Daniel and I as we give you our thoughts on Luke Cage! We dive into the culture of the show, the super human side of things, and what his character could mean for the future of the Marvel Netflix universe. On the Daily Bugle we discuss some Netflix news as well as some other movies and tv news. Cheers!
Podcast 4

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Podcast 3

Hey Guys! Join us this episode as we discuss why we're excited about fall. Join us as we talk about Doctor Strange, Walking Dead, and many more topics. Join us next episode as we talk all about Luke Cage! Cheers!
Podcast 3

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Podcast 2

Hey Guys! Join us as we talk all things Stranger Things! We dive into spoilers and discuss in depth what we liked and didn't like about the show. We also talk a little bit about Walking Dead, Avengers, and many other stuff.
Podcast 2

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Podcast 1

Hey everyone, Here's our first Podcast! Join us as we talk about the Walking Dead, Stranger Things, and a bunch of other fun topics. Hope you enjoy!

Download Link

Our Podcast!

Hey everyone! 2 Ordinary Nerds is a podcast hosted by Daniel Narvaiza and Lewis Booth. The podcast is a little bit about beer, a little bit about movies, and a little bit about TV. Join us as we talk about our journeys, what movies we liked and which ones we give the ax, and what tv shows you should be watching. Podcasts will be up soon. Download right here, on Itunes, or on YouTube! Cheers!